6 Quotes & Sayings By Steve Shallenberger

Steve Shallenberger is a well-known health and fitness expert, the author of six books, and a well-known public speaker. He has been a featured speaker at events such as the National Speakers Association, the National Health Federation, and the American Medical Association. Shallenberger has appeared on national television and radio shows such as Dr. Oz, The Today Show, CNN's Larry King Live, The Dr Read more

Drew Show, and other shows nationwide.

When you increase in learning and education, you increase your ability to act, and you have a chance to improve your circumstances. Steve Shallenberger
If you REALLY want to know what another person is like, notice how he or she treats the less fortunate or those without position or title. Steve Shallenberger
It is absolutely essential to hang in there–especially when you feel most discouraged. Steve Shallenberger
The impact of your vision, while quiet and ever present, will be astounding over time as it becomes a reality. Steve Shallenberger
You steadily grow into becoming your best as you choose to be accountable and accept responsibility for improvement. Steve Shallenberger